Skip Trace

Starting at $45

Background Checks

Starting at $250

Asset Investigation

Starting at $250

Witness Interviews

Starting at $250

​Court Record Research

​Starting at $75

Routine Service: Starting at $95
Priority Service: Add $35
Rush Service: Add $60


Printing fees are .20 per page after the first 25 pages

Routine Service: Local starting at $75

Priority Service: Add $35

Rush Service: Add $60

New Hampshire Statewide Rates 

Investigation Rates

Hourly Rates

Flat Rates


​$96 per hour; .60 per mile

Process Service Rates

We accept all forms of payment. Payment may be made by clicking the button below. Additionally, we can send an invoice with a link to pay online. We also accept checks made payable to The Nason Group. 


Bulk discounts are offered for services. Rates are based off of region. Prices are subject to change. Additional charges may apply.

Nationwide Rates